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Trauma-Informed Pain Care Masterclass
Masterclass: Trauma-Informed Pain Care With Jeremy Fletcher, PT, DPT, OCS
Masterclass May 13th
Trauma Therapist Masterclass | Sept 23
IAPC&M Masterclass: Trauma Informed with Anne-Marie Myers
Trauma Informed Care in Emergency Medicine - Clinical Interventions
Webinar: Introduction to Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach in Physiotherapy
BTL Fest 2021: Youth Alliance Masterclass: Trauma Informed Care for Parents/Caregivers
PAIN management and contemporary pain science. Changing (not just) the conversation - 21.10.20
MasterClass: Motivational Interviewing For Chronic Pain With Rose Pignataro, PT, PhD, DPT
Transforming the ‘Living Legacy’ of Trauma with Dr. Janina Fisher | CFI Masterclass
Masterclass: Mindful Stress Management For The Healthcare Professional With Dr. Annette Willgens